Петух с болтом. A-HG-012, ELLSWORTH Moment, Isis, Truth, Tiruth, Epiphany, Oracle, Distance, Chaos, Enlightenment MERLIN, CUBE, GHOST. Список моделей: 260 Race: 2013 260 Team: 2013 Access: 2006 Acid: 2006 Aim: 2006 AMS: 2006, 2008 Analog: 2006 Attention: 2009 Cross: 2006 Curve: 2006 LTD Terra-9: 2006 Nature: 2006, 2011 Overland: 2006, 2011 CUBE 2013 – 260 team, 260 race 2009 Attention AMS 2006 – Acid, Access, Analog, Aim, Cross, Nature, Overland, Curve, LTD Terra – 9 And many other models… HAIBIKE 2015 Big Curve 9.30 2014 power sl 26, edition sl 27.5, edition rx pro 27.5, big curve sl 29 DIAMONDBACK 2008 – Lux / Lux sport Ghost 2014 powerkid 24″ boy / disc girl GCS 6000, 200 and others… Подходит для Tony Hawk Eastern 26
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